Guest information

At Epoch Church we encourage all of our guests to park in the front parking lot. If you have children, you are encouraged to park near the Fellowship Hall. For your convenience, there are Guest parking spaces for you and your family as well.

Childrens Ministry
and nursery
All parents are welcome to drop their kids off at the Epoch Kids entrance located in the Fellowship Hall. All children must be checked in by a parent. Each child will be given a specific numbered ticket in which the parents are responsible for. This allows only the parents or legal guardians to pick up their child after the service. Safety is our number one priority.

What are the services like?
We work hard to make sure your experience at Epoch is one that is relevant and welcoming. Our services feature thirty minutes of singing with a live band, a time of prayer, a time of worshipping through giving, and a message from the bible.
Our Service Times- 11:00am on Sunday Morning

What kind of church is epoch church?
At Epoch Church, we strive to communicate the truths of the Bible in a relevant, understandable way. Our services have a contemporary flavor and provide insights that you can use the rest of your week. We also feature an extensive network of missional communities (small groups) that meet in homes and in our facility. Individuals and couples find friendship, spiritual growth and fun through participation in these groups.